Wednesday, May 31, 2006

And we're off!

Oregon, here we come :-)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Boxes, boxes, boxes all around me

I have:

3 bankers boxes of yarn
1 bankers box of knitting needles and notions
1 bankers box of knitting patterns and books
3 bankers boxes of craft supplies
4 bankes boxes of cookbooks
1 bankers box of sewing supplies
10 Sterilite under-bed storage boxes of fabric

and one bankers box of shoes.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Insert your own joke here

I was just checking out maps, and finally looked at the names of the streets surrounding our new house.

We're going to live on 69th and Hemlock.

I swear, I'm going to giggle every time I drive up to our house!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy Birthday, wee lil blog

OK, I'm a few days late. Been just a little bit busy around here with all the packing.

I'm amazed every day that I type on a keyboard, plug in my camera, arrange things a little, and end up with something that people I have never met actually read voluntarily. Not a lot of people (at least I don't think so), but then that doesn't bother me in the least since I started this for entirely selfish reasons. This blog is my own happy place, somewhere that I can fill with good things and projects and recipes that I'm proud of, things that make me smile. One less place to bore my non crafty or foodie friends with endless discussions of baking temperatures, sewing machines, and yarn guage.

Thanks for hanging around with me in my happy place for the last year. I hope I've managed to spread some happy around from time to time, or at least coax a smile or two :-)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Finished Socks

Done! I sent these off yesterday but wanted to get a picture or two in. They came out really well, I think. Hoping my pal likes them.
Pattern: Aran Sandal Socks from Socks, Socks, Socks
Yarn: Dale of Norway Baby Ull in Red
Needles: size 2 dpns that my Grandpa made
Modifications: I made these longer than the pattern specifies, since my pal likes a longer sock. The yarn guage was much smaller, so I added in patterning on the sides and throughout the cables so they would be wide enough. I drew out a chart for the entire pattern, which was much easier for me to follow than the mix of charts and printed instructions in the original pattern. I will definitely make these again for myself! Might even use the same red - it's a really vibrant, fun color.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sock central

I got my Sockapaloooza socks! The pattern is Wyvern - a sybtle and really interesting stitch pattern - from Marnie McLean (I love her patterns!) in a delicious muted lavenger/purple KOIGU!!! I've never actually touched the stuff in person, so I just sit, fondling them lovingly. My pal, Jennifer (sadly, blogless), also sent me some chocolate "to give you strength for your move" and the cutest fluffy lamb ornament ever. I love these socks. The chocolate is all gone (see? needed strength, I did), and Arden wants to take the lamb to bed with him :-).

In related news, I finally finished the socks for my pal as well. They are almost done drying and will be sent out later today. I'm hanging my head low that it took so very long, but at least they came out really well. Hopefully my pal will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them!

Update: found a camera cord!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

House pictures

Want to see our new house? I knew you did! Here's the front, looking from in front of the driveway.

Second, the all important kitchen. Yes, you see granite on top of the counters and yes, the yellow is going away just about as soon as we get there. The electric stove will also leave almost instantly, to be replaced with a shiny new gas range.Then there's the dining area, which opens out onto the back yard. There is plenty of room for a really, really big table if needed for parties or holidays.Next up - the living room - wide, open, full of light, and much larger than it seems here. It also opens out onto the back yard. The lovely blonde on the left is our agent. Next comes the upstairs loft, which the current owners are using as a master bedroom. Lots of skylights. I think this will become a play area or bonus room for the boys to run around in. That border will be coming down as soon as I get my hands on it, the floral curtain as well. Finally, my favorite part - the back yard. It's HUGE! A little over a quarter acre, but the footprint of the house is pretty small, so it just goes on and on. The fenced area to the right is a dog run, and the yard wraps around the other side of the house far enough for a good sized garden. The first picture is what you see from the dining area and kitchen. I think we'll be spending a lot of time there. Can't wait until we move in on June 5th!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, baked beans and stress

That pretty much sums things up around here. Escrow is so fun!

Monday, May 01, 2006

We got the house!!!

I've been waiting all morning by the phone, hoping to hear something, nervous as could be. I kept my cell phone on as long as I possibly could once I got on the plane, hoping for *the* call. Then 2:15 came around, time to take off, so I sadly shut the phone off. When the plane landed, I turned it on right away and quickly checked to see if there were any voice mails. None. Oh, well. So I called Dan to tell him I had landed. "Oh, good! By the way, we got the house." The call came through at 2:30, right after I'd gotten off the ground.

Escrow closes on June 2nd. We'll be in our new house by June 5th at the very latest :-D. I'm beyond happy right now.

The picture up above? That's the view from the front door :-)