Saturday, July 09, 2005

I've never been so happy to see a long line

This morning I went to Trader Joe's with more than shopping on my mind. They sponser a Red Cross blood drive every year and give donors 10% off all groceries purchased that day. I arrived armed with a big bottle of water and my shopping list for later, only to find a line of people ahead of me. I wasn't the only one who reserved a spot - they were full up for the rest of the day and had to turn several people away. Warmed my heart to see so many people out there, even if it meant waiting a while longer. I walked out with a bag of Cheez-Its, a red compression band on my arm, and an unexpected t-shirt.

For anyone who hasn't donated blood, give it a try. It's easy, it doesn't cost anything, and you can save a life and get free cookies at the same time.

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