Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas, almost crunched

Woot - I'm just about done!
  • Finish knitting the Twisty Turns wrap for my sister. Block said wrap.
  • Finish the One Skein Wonder for the wee blonde curly haired one (and why on earth is that taking so long?)
  • Stare sadly at Dan's *almost* completed hat and hope that the last skein of Decadence arrives by Saturday so I can finish it in time. (The Decadence arrived on Thursday and I'm all finished!)
  • Buy knee and elbow pads for the boys to go with their new Razor scooters (shhhhh!)
  • Tell my dad that we're moving to Portland (this is a biggie - he's going to freak in a rather spectacular way and I have to handle it carefully, but do it before Christmas. Yeah, I'm calling him today.) (This went much better than I would have thought. He's not certain about the move and whether he'll get to see us much, but seems to be taking it well so far.)
  • Coat the Praline Chantilly (dessert for Sunday) with chocolate glaze.
  • Do the same with the layered dessert I made up for Dan's birthday dinner tonight.
  • Make chimichurri sauce for Dan's birthday dinner tonight.
  • Clean the house as best as can be done with two whirlwinds of chaos. Make a batch of Grandma's rolls for Sunday's dinner.
  • Caramelize apples for the salad course.
  • Get to the store Friday Saturday and buy salad greens and broccoli for the dinner.
  • Make beef stock for the jus to go with the roast on Sunday.
  • Wrap presents.
  • Make spiced nuts to nibble on Sunday.
  • Make lentil soup and bread for lunch on Sunday.
  • Make meringues and chocholate cookies for the small fry.
  • Make mashed potatoes for the preschool Christmas party on Friday.
  • Do at least an hour of yoga.
  • Finish getting stocking stuffers for Dan and my sister (the boys are covered, and yes, we do stockings for grown-ups!)
  • Sleep. (looks like this one is definitely happening this year!)


  1. Yeah, I think you will also be collapsing into a puddle of goo on Saturday :)

  2. I think you may well be right. Christmas Eve I usually sleep VERY well, if not for very long since I'm usually up finishing things. It's a tradition, or something like that.

  3. Oh my.
    Here's hoping it all goes smoothly, and that you get some rest at some point!

  4. Wow, that is quite the list. Sending you good vibes and keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  5. Anonymous12:14 AM

    So do you have a move date yet? I am so excited that you are moving up here. I now have 4 other moms beside myself who would LOVE to learn to knit. (HINT: Move to will be easier for you! LOL)

  6. Anonymous3:16 AM

    I hope your conversation with your Dad went better than you were expecting.

    I told my parents that we're planning on moving to Portland OR when we saw them a few weeks back and my Mother is still being funny about it, my Dad was fine which I think annoyed her more! lol

    Hope you get all your list done so you can relax and enjoy the holiday some too!

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Merry Christmas Kathy! Best wishes to you and yours :)

    Get some rest!
