Saturday, November 17, 2007

Haven't been blogging because I have class

...two classes, to be exact. I've been taking Biology and Chemistry plus labs for each and both have been going a lightning speed. Chemistry in particular is bending my brain in all kinds of strange ways, especially since we have an overview that includes Organic Chemistry for the last half of the semester. Functional groups and reactions...oh, my. I have my second Chemistry midterm next week, so this weekend I'll be holed up at the library and Starbucks studying until my brain is about to explode. Looks like I'm getting an A in Biology, and possibly an A in Chemistry if I really work hard between in the next few weeks. Then I go on to Anatomy & Physiology next semester (insert the sound o f doom: "dum dum DUM") which will be far more challenging. And I have to get an A there, both for my GPA and because I really need to understand anatomy so I can give the best possible patient care once I'm through. But at least it's the only class I'll be taking, so I should have a little more breathing room. All of this as part of pre-requisites to get into nursing school and then get a Master's degree so I can become a Nurse Practitioner. Long plan, but I can't wait!

I'm doing just fine, just insanely busy. Add in two trips last month, a dress to sew for a wedding last month, Halloween costumes to make, and the news that my baby sister is pregnant for the first time (knitting her a Mommy Snug - only have the arms left to finish) and there's just no time for blogging, much less sleep. I keep trying to even get on and *read* blogs, my email, anything, but just haven't have time with studying so far. I feel so bad for my poor neglected blog, but you have to have priorities, right? Looks like I'm getting an A in Biology, and possibly an A in Chemistry if I really work hard between in the next few weeks. Then I go on to Anatomy & Physiology next semester (insert the sound o f doom: "dum dum DUM") which will be more challenging. But at least it's the only class I'll be taking, so I should have a little more breathing room.

Hoping I'll have a chance to be a bit more social starting in January :-)

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