Monday, November 14, 2005

One glove down, one to go

Look ma, a glove! OK, so there are ends to weave in. That part's easy as pie and will be done as I watch random television tonight. The true wonder of this glove is the following mystery: why don't I mind the pooling? I have gone into pure conniption fits in the past when confronted with colors that ebb and flow against my every attempt to control them, so why am I so happy with it this time? And why do I suddenly adore something that has pink in it? The world may well be coming to an end. Or perhaps the glove just looks damn cool.

(The bored looking cat is Lewis, named after Lewis and Clark since she was the first in the litter to leave the box and explore. I helped with the birth since her mama cat was very young and tiny (and I was a veterinary technician at the time) and she was the first one out. Her head got stuck and she wasn't moving or breathing once she came free. I cleared out her airway, rubbed her all over to get her circulation going, and she pinked up and mewed right away. She's a little, well, off , most likely due to a wee bit of damage. But she loves everyone and is more than content if there's a motionless lap available, and Dan still thanks me for helping her into life. She came over to grab some scritches since there was a hand available.)

This is a sampler I made up to test out some rib stitches for upcoming Christmas presents. Not sure what the yarn is - some sort of wool blend in a worsted weight, I think. From top to bottom:
cartridge belt rib1: (mult. of 4 sts +3) *k3, sl1 with yarn in front; repeat from * to end
broken rib: (mult. of 4 sts +1) Row 1 - *k2, p2; repeat from * to end
Row 2 - k1, *p2, k2; repeat from * to end
cartridge belt rib2: (mult. of 4 +3) Row 1 - k3, *sl 1 with yarn in front, k3; repeat from * to end
Row 2 - p1,
*sl 1 with yarn in front, p3; repeat from * to end
wavy rib: (mult. of 6 sts +2) Row 1 - p2, *k4, p2; repeat from * to end
Row 2-4 k the knit sts and p the purl sts
Row 5 - k3, p2, *k4, p2; repeat from * to end
rows 6-8 - k the knit sts and p the purl sts
faux brioche rib: (mult. of 4 sts +1) Row 1 - p1, *k3, p1; repeat from * to end
Row 2 - k2, p1, *k3, p1; repeat from * to end
eyelet lace rib: (mult. of 8 sts +5) Row 1 and 3 - k2, *p3, k2, p1, k2; repeat from * to end
Row 2 - p2, k1, p2, *k1, yo, ssk, p2, k1, p2; repeat from * to end
Row 4 - p2, k1, p2, *k2tog, yo, k1, p2, k1, p2; repeat from * to end

Note that broken rib and faux brioce rib look practically identical. They do differ slightly: faux brioche has more of a garter stitch look to it. Cartridge belt rib was odd to track down. The first one I knitted up was the third section from the top, which I really like. It's tightly woven and has a subtle pattern to it, though it is in no way reversible. After hearing that this was the perfect scarf pattern and that it was the same on both sides, I did more hunting and found the pattern that I knit up last. Incredibly simple. It, too, looks a lot like the broken rib stitch, but it lies much flatter and the vertical lines of slipped stitches give it extra visual interest. Wavy rib is really just a basket weave pattern turned around, though I like the look. Eyelet lace rib would be nice on a finer guage yarn.

Nice to have an idea of what the stitches all look like and get a feel for the ease of the patterns as well. I could use some honest to goodness easy knitting since I'll be burning the midnight oil making up holiday gifts this year.

1 - this is a version I found somewhere on the web, and it actually looked like the pictures I've found of cartridge belt rib.
2 - this is the "corrected" version ot the pattern from Weekend Knitting.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I think your glove looks great! Perhpas you can over look the pooling because this is perfect in every other way? Perhaps your eye and/or your tastes are changing?

    I love the story about Lewis - she looks like a beautiful cat.

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I think the pure joy of the glove has overshadow any other emotions! Congratulations on knitting your first glove. It looks fabulous!

  3. Well.... I knit a raglan using broken rib! :)

    It's a fairly mindless and so, a good one to use for your first "design".

    My husband absoluteley loves his sweater, and when his barber saw it, he asked him to convey this message to me;
    "I wear a men's small".

  4. The last scarf I made for Dan was broken rib - really nice pattern, easy to remember. This time his verdict is cartridge belt rib, the top version. We'll see how it all comes out :-)
