Saturday, August 06, 2005

Local produce, part I

Here is today's haul, courtesy of two different farmer's markets (along with my younger son's hand - he was "helping"). The whole family jumped in the car, ready to go to our usual market in Diamond Bar, only to find it closed due to construction in the area. Well, shoot. On to plan B. Luckily I had a list from here and found another one about 10 miles away. Off to Pomona we went, in search of plant life for sale. Now this was more like it! There were more produce stands and greater variety than I've ever seen at our local market, and better prices to boot. As we walked around, the boys got hungry and wanted a snack so we headed off towards the back, where all the baked and prepared stuff was. Younger son chose a poppyseed muffin, while older son was desperate for a hot dog and soda and proceeded to melt down completely when we said no to the soda (we had water and were only getting snacks). Dan took him out to the car to cool off while son#2 and I wandered around. Found some incredible looking bread, which was quickly purchased. Tried some toffee sunflower seeds which I loved, smaller son did not. Ah well, more for me. Then I started noticing that booths were closing up. Huh? It wasn't even lunch time yet. Turns out this market closes at 11:30, not 2:00 like I was used to. Back to the car to drive home. Dropped Dan and the boys off and headed out to the next closest market in West Covina, held in the parking lot of a strip mall. Smaller selection of produce, more lunch items, crafts, kettle corn and the like. I managed to find the rest of what I wanted, aside from lettuce (none available), and headed for home.

Had to get a close up of this carrot. Not something you'd usually find in an orange plastic bag 'o carrots from the store, is it? I like a carrot with character, with presence. Note younger son in the background, holding a green bean. Evidently, the green bean was very hungry and decided to start eating all of the other fruits and vegetables one by one, causing great distress and mayhem (and giggles). Not only are vegetables good for you, they double as action figures. Who knew?

Tomorrow we are off to pick raspberries. We'll see how many actually make it back home.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I just bought the same toffee sunflower seeds at the OC Fair a couple of weeks ago - they're in my desk drawer at work and I snack on them when I get a sweet tooth in the afternoon.

    Let me know if you go to the Pomona farmer's market again and I'll try to meet you there.

  2. You're on! Guessing I'll go next Saturday, probably earlier in the morning so I can nip out without the boys.

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Love that crazy carrot! Have you seen Regina's site of crocheted vegetables?

  4. Now that is some amazing crochet! Though I'll add that your art is pretty darn impressive as well. Thanks for sharing both :-)
