Sunday, October 16, 2005

All I need....

Kathy needs a nap.
Kathy needs to be treated with understanding, respect, and dignity.
Kathy needs the house to keep her sanity and resist suicide.
Kathy needs to know if this is something that colleges would really use.
Kathy needs 3 1/3 cups of flour for a cake.
Kathy needs 3-4 volunteers to assist with passing out stickers, fingerprint kits etc.
Kathy NEEDS new pants.
Kathy needs a hug.
Kathy needs to grow up and act her age!
Kathy needs to slow down.
Kathy needs comfort.
Kathy needs a vigilante.
Kathy needs her own show on prime time, big network, for big bucks.
Kathy needs to drive to a city some distance away.

(Take your name, add "needs" and Google it. I'm laughing at how many of these fit in an odd way.)